It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... ¿Want to be gavinated?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sharing home dirs between linux and osx

Well I have repartitioned my hard drive on the macbook. This involved using the Tiger startup disk and re-installing osx. At the beginning of the installation you can navigate the menus at the top of the screen and select "Tools" or something, Disk Utility is there and you have free reign on the hard drive. I used 50gb for my "home" partition and 30gb for osx, the rest I'll allocate to linux later on eh?

Ok Well now I want to make sure that OSX is using that partition (I can see it under /Volumes/) as the homes partition. I go:

sudo ditto -rsrcFork /Users /Volumes/home/Users

And then:

sudo niutil -createprop / /users/gavin8or home /Volumes/home/Users/gavin8or

There is a way to do this with the NetInfo gui but that is too complex. At this point I cd into /Volumes/home/gavin8or and make sure everything is there.
Now I can go:

sudo rm -dr /Users
sudo ln -s /Volumes/home/Users /Users

And log out/log back in.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Playing with the macbook

Well, I'm seeing all the new things that Tiger can do. Widgets are not just hype: they can do useful things.
I'm deciding what to do about dual-boot and Virtual Machines. It would be nice if there was Vmware available for osx. But there is a petition online to get Vmware to provide their software to people using osx. *edit: I guess they need to hire engineers... Any takers?
Other than that, there is Parallels Desktop, which costs 50$, and Mac on Mac, which doesn't work on Tiger yet.
I guess I will have to do what I did with my old G4, dual boot linux and osx. And maybe I can get vmware running under linux.

TODO: I'm going to put linux install image (downloading as I type) onto my iPod, and see if it is possible to install directly from the iPod. Mostly because I can't find a CD-R in the room and I'm too lazy to put on pants and go looking for one.

Posting from a widget

Well my macbook has arrived in the mail. And it's now about 2AM and I'm just idly playing with widgets and other things. There are a lot of potential things that you can do with a little knowhow, creativity and coding skills.

I have been using my iPod for the last few days. Listening to Ravi Zacharias and John Macarthur, Doctor Ollila and others would qualify as a good use of time whilst riding my bike to and from school. Try to put it to good use eh?